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3 Hidden Benefits to Medicare Part B

By August 1, 2021August 16th, 2021No Comments

Many of us know that Medicare is a federal health insurance program for those that are over the age of 65. 

But did you also know it comes in different parts?

And you have the option to opt-out of parts you don’t think you need?

And you can add on other parts to get additional supplemental coverage?

One of the critical “parts” of Medicare is Part B, which offers medical coverage and health services. 

Here are three hidden benefits to Medicare Part B.

1.) You Can Qualify For Medicare Part B When You Aren’t 65

Did you know that Medicare Part B isn’t only for individuals over the age of 65? Individuals under age 65 may also qualify if they meet the following requirements:

  • They have received Social Security disability benefits for 24 months
  • They receive disability pension for 24 months from the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)
  • They have permanent kidney failure, such as end-stage renal disease (ESRD) 
  • They have been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

2.) Medicare Part B Offers a Lot of Preventative Treatment Options

People often overlook preventative services because they don’t think to do them when they are feeling healthy. Most of the time, we only head to the doctor when we feel ill or have ailments. 

Medicare part B offers dozens of preventative treatment opportunities, including cancer and heart disease screenings, flu & pneumonia vaccines, cardiovascular disease screenings, behavioral therapy, and tobacco use cessation counseling for those who wish to quit smoking. 

You can find a complete list of preventative and screening services on the Medicare website

3.) You Can Receive At Home Health Care Services

When you think about Medicare Part B, you often think about doctors visits. But did you know that you can receive at-home health care services as well? 

In order to receive medical care in your home, there are eligibility requirements you must meet, but if you qualify, you can receive home health care and nursing coverage. 

As you can see, there are excellent options available with Medicare Part B that aren’t always well-known. For more information on Medicare, visit with one of our agents today. 

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