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Life as a 50+ oldie is not easy. You have done most of the things you are supposed to do in your younger years, you occasionally meet your grand-kids, and the rising technology sometimes makes you feel like an alien. Moreover, you start to lose muscle faster, which is okay because, after 55, you eventually accept the fact that you are not getting any younger. 

However, this sudden mid-life slump is not a piece of cake. While you are happy to have accomplished lots of things in life, deep down, you are afraid of how things will move now that you are touching your retirement age, both career-wise and physique-wise. 

There is no need to worry, though. This is all very common for people over 55 years in this day and age, but there are only a few things that technology can’t do. And with that said, here are 6 super helpful FREE mobile apps that you must have on your cell phone to lead a great decade that you could also reminisce about when you are in your 60s.

Daily Yoga:

As old age starts to strike, obesity becomes a concerning factor. In fact, according to some stats, in Mississippi alone, over 73 percent of adults were reported to be either overweight or obese in 2018. While you can have a specific controlled diet to combat this, hardcore exercising is usually not recommended for people over 55. To combat this pertaining problem, Yoga can be beneficial. In fact, a series of studies in 2013 showed that Yoga could be pretty promising with weight loss and mindfulness. Therefore, for easy and pleasant Yoga sessions, Daily Yoga is a great mobile app, available on iOS and Android. It helps you stick to a specific routine, all while making you more mobile and robust. It is high time you took out your Yoga mat and hit it. 


Struggling with mood swings? Do you get grumpy and cantankerous at times? Know that it is normal, and it happens to every other person. But good habits can help. Confused about how to adopt good habits? Happify is the answer. Happify is an extraordinary mobile app with a self-improvement program specially designed for people struggling with mood swings, unhappiness, and irritation. It has a series of science-based activities, tasks, and games that can help you thrive better emotionally and mentally.


One of the things that almost every other person, who is over 55, is recommended is to go out in the park and take a stroll as that is likely to make one feel better. But if you think about strolling and walking, it gets monotonous at times. Just walking or jogging is no fun when there is an app for it. MayMyWalk is a prodigious mobile application that not only tracks your walking duration, areas you mapped, places you should be mapping, etc. but also helps you connect with your friends and show their mapping routes. Isn’t that amazing? You can also have small fun activities with your friends, set targets to map out the most locations, compare, bet, and much, much more. So, why go for the monotonous way when you have a fun way? 

Sleep Cycle:

One of the tragedies of old age is that sleep becomes bliss because you rarely get it. A night of good sleep is the bedrock of a healthy body, happy life, and a peaceful state of mind. Although people over 60 years of age are more likely to be susceptible to insomnia, the effect starts to kick in during your late 50s. Pills may be good for the time being, but sleeping pills are not healthy in the long run. However, many old people take them because there is no option otherwise. Not anymore! Sleep cycle is a great app specifically designed for those struggling to get a good sleep. Sleep Cycle is three in one. It is your alarm clock, monitor, and your sleep tracker. It primarily works using an accelerometer through which it tracks your body movement and then wakes you up accordingly. It drains a lot of battery, though, so make sure your phone is charging when you activate the app. Cheers to good sleep!

Sound Amplifier:

Sounds are important. If you feel that you have been losing your listening and hearing ability, consult a doctor. But here is another thing. Hearing loss, in general, is a common problem for older adults. It can be pretty irritating for the listener and the speaker due to the lack of coordination. In that case, you need to factor in your age and consult. However, one more problem that is facing most elderly is the low volume of videos or audio, especially if you are out in a crowded place. In such places, even earphones stop working, and that’s why Sound Amplifier is a mobile app worth a try. What does it do? It amplifies the sound of the video or audio that is entertaining you and helps you listen better. It indeed is a great app but be careful as extra high volume can be dangerous for your ears. 


As you enter your old age, you are likely to start forgetting things. It is irritating at times because when you remember what you forgot, you start overthinking about it, which is when it gets even more annoying. To combat this problem, iCal is a great app. It can be connected with your family’s iCal so that you know what they are up to and vice versa, and it also reminds you of things you ought to do. If you remember something important, you can quickly write it down and get reminded. This way, you don’t have to worry about not remembering things. However, this app only works on iOS. For Android, you can use Asana and have your family’s schedules on board too. You will get notifications from time to time.

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